Events in 2020

October 2020

Online talk
We are delighted to announce that we will be offering a talk on the life and work of Anton Wilhelm Amo, the first man of African descent recordedat a European university – Wittenberg, in Germany, in the mid-18th century. A largely forgotten figure until recently, a major Berlin thoroughfare will soon be named in his honour; and as our speaker Dwight K. Lewis PhD, whose dissertation was titled “Amo’s Philosophy and Reception: from the Origins through the Encyclopédie”, will explain, Amo also has a connection to Hamburg. Sign-up using our app will be from early October onwards.

September 2020

Freshers’ Event
As in previous years, we will be holding an event for freshers headed to Oxford and Cambridge from northern Germany to get to know each other – and to ask questions about life at the Universities of us and our volunteers currently studying there. Unlike in previous years, this event will take place online! Please sign up using our app and we will reply with details on joining the meeting

June 2020

Online talk
We will be holding our first wholly digital event at 6.15pm on Thursday, 11th June with a lecture on Brexit, focussing on the legal issues at stake, from a true authority on the topic, Professor Jörg Terhechte. The talk will take place using Zoom; if you wish to attend, please sign up using our app and we will reply with details on joining the meeting. We welcome your guests and, as ever, participants from other Oxford and Cambridge Societies.

April 2020

NB: Cancelled due to coronavirus Hamburg Marathon
We are delighted to announce that the Society will be fielding a four-person, two-University relay team at this year’s Hamburg Marathon on 19th April. E-mail us for details on where to gather and cheer on our four plucky runners!

March 2020

NB: Cancelled due to coronavirus Boat Races
The boatiest of our Boat Race events yet will see us gather at the home of an Olympian rower and member of the winning Cambridge First Eight in 2007(!) for the usual hurling of abuse and armchair commentary but with some actual expertise on the subject matter at hand. Members who register in the app will receive details in good time

Spring dinner
In another of our semi-regular formal dinners at the Anglo-German Club, it will, on 5th March, once again be time to don suits, ties, and dresses for an evening of fine dining and plush carpets at our favourite Alster-side location. Sign up in the app.

February 2020

Brunch at Literaturhauscafé
Join us on 2nd February for a relaxed brunch at this superb location on the banks of the Alster. We have a private room, but space is limited, so do sign up in advance using the events app.