Brexit – fees and support

In the wake of Brexit, we have been receiving enquiries from prospective Oxford and Cambridge students in Germany who hold offers from the Universities and would require financial support in order to pay the full tution fees now being levied as of 2021/2022.

We as a Society are deeply concerned that future generations of gifted students from European Union countries will now find it far harder to take up offers made to them by the Universities. However, it lies far beyond our purview – and even further beyond our resources – as a Society to provide any form of financial support. Moreover, having ourselves made some enquiries to charitable foundations in and around Hamburg, we have thus far not been able to find any trusts (Stiftungen etc.) within whose remit bursaries for prospective Oxford and Cambridge students might fall. Our search continues and we would be grateful for any suggestions of organisations to contact.

In the meantime, we recommend that students holding an offer and in search of financial support read through the Oxford or Cambridge funding pages as applicable; importantly, we suggest contacting the college which has made the offer directly, as many bursaries, grants and other forms of support are funded and administered at College level.

While we would request that you refrain from contacting us with direct requests for donations (we will not forward these on to our members), we will be happy to try and answer any specific questions regarding funding for prospective students from in and around Hamburg.